Please feel free to enjoy a nice long scroll down Other Fun Stuff I've Made Lane.
Doritos: The Bird Boys
People will do anything to get Doritos.
Crash the Super Bowl submission. Made with David Ballowe (CW), Henry Coffey (CW), CT Rivera (AD)
The Museum of International Propaganda: Question Absolutely Everything
Made with Camber Barnett (AD)

Deano's World
The prompt was to make anything, so I made up the worst guy in the world: a views-obsessed Youtube prankster who witnesses and "solves" a "crime."
Shout out to Kedi Hickman (CW), Callum Leitenberg (CW), and Adam Fuller (CW) for their acting. And friendship.
The Atlantic: The Truth Ages Well
Celebrating the Atlantic's penchant for being on the right side of history.
Made with Reagan Tate (AD)

JunkLabs: Nothing Wasted
JunkLabz presses down Number 5 plastic into colorful sheets that can be used to make cool stuff.
These two ads were made with Nithya Charles (AD).

Screamfest is a very reputable horror film festival. They have high standards, so if you go there you'll see a lot of great horror films. More importantly, you won't see anything like this.
Made with Callum Leitenberg (CW) and Tanmay Kumar (AD)
Talk About LIFE
Playing the Game of LIFE with kids is sure to bring up some funny questions about the real thing.
Made with Graham Bartal (AD), Elijah Huston (CW), Emme Schumacher (AD), Rhiannon Newman (AD), Isa Vergara (ST)